Featured Services
GuruTech is a technology service provider to the Ottawa business community and to individual residential customer. We are dedicated to providing custom made solutions that fit the customer's needs. Our top priority is to listen to the customers first and provide solutions that directly answer their needs.

Office and Entertainment Integration
Keeping up with the tech market nowadays can be a challenge. Tech makers claim to offer hassle free components easy to use and integrate. Furthermore the drawing line between office and entertainment equipment is becoming blurry. What used to be purely business equipment is becoming more common to use in an entertainment environment. A good example is networked storage where it can be used for both business and home entertainment. On the business side there are variety of choices on the operating systems level and the hardware levels at all stages. At the same time there is the virtualization promise. Where do we go from here? How do we plan for the future so we don't waste money and time. To learn more on how we can help go to the full service description page by clicking the read more button.

Data Backup Solutions
When was the last time you kept all your money under the pillow? Or put all your investments in one stock? If keeping money safe is a common practice by the majority of people, safeguarding data gets overlooked so easily. You will be surprised how many users keep non-reproducible data on a single media storage. While the majority of users think that backing-up data is important the minority actually do it, Why? The reason might be as simple as the overhead associated with backup and the variety of backup solutions. We can help overcome this step and provide with many alternatives for your specific situation. It is all described in the read more link.

Internet Security Solutions
The internet is one of the main reasons why computers are widely used nowadays. Unless your personal and confidential data is protected you are exposed to the potential hazards of internet security. There are so many different security threats and evolving threats that makes one wonder how can anyone be comfortable being online. A counter-argument is we still drive knowing there is accident risk since the benefits outweigh the risks. Internet security is about minimizing the security risk but not eliminating it all together. It is similar to putting a lock on your house's front door. Like anything else in life there are common sense rules to follow when using the internet, like do not give your house keys to a stranger. Unfortunately commonsense is overlooked easily by internet users, who knows for what reasons. Maybe it is the TV culture that made everything seem so safe if you are in front of the TV. TV and internet are completely different, the question is are you protected?

Support and Maintenance
Who needs computer support? The short answer is everyone except computer experts. Most users buy electronics from retail stores and most electronic devices come with a detailed user manual except one device which is the computer. The big question is why there is no user manual when you buy a computer. One simple answer is no one would dare to buy a computer if it comes with thousands of pages of user manuals. Another simple answer is, no average user bought a computer before the internet age and the computer was not conceived for general public use such as appliances. The computer is not an appliance, who is surprised by this statement?